Comatec Academy ensures competence development through training

Comatec considers competence development important and also promotes it at group level. The recently established Comatec Academy provides an operating model for organizing the competence development of our staff at different stages of their career regardless of job title or extent of experience.

Comatec Academy offers our employees varied support for competence development in the form of on-site training, eLearning, blended learning and webinars. Comatec Academy also supports onboarding, tutoring, networking and competence management.

The Academy serves as an umbrella for competence development and provides a framework for targeted competence development through four career paths: expert, management, project, and sales. Competence development consists of the elements of orientation, strengthening of basic competence and advanced competence development.

Evolving the competency of human capital is one of our core values. We continuously strengthen our knowledge capital in order to be able to meet current, new and growing customer needs. Competence development and supporting the career development of our employees are also investments in people and essential for occupational well-being.

– We are an expert organization where competence is considered one of the key elements of our strategy. Our group is brimming with great talent. Nevertheless, we are operating in a wide range of rapidly developing sectors, and investing in competence development helps us ensure our future competitiveness, says Group CEO Aulis Asikainen.

At the individual level, Comatec Academy aims to ensure that our employees keep up to speed on various work-related topics, have the opportunity to network beyond their team and the company, learn about the different career and training opportunities offered by the group and get new perspectives and topical information on matters that are important to them, including new practical tools for their work.

– We are known for completing demanding assignments, and our customers value our competence and know-how. The Academy helps us make competence development more systematic and open and ensures that our entire staff have the opportunity for professional development, concludes Asikainen.