
Improved electromagnetic compatibility through a change of material

Millog is responsible for maintaining material and providing life-cycle services for the Finnish army and navy, as well as certain agreed materials for the air force. The new rear cab of Millog’s tracked vehicle ensures sufficient electromagnetic protection in the most demanding of defence operations.


  • To develop an aluminium rear cab for the Finnish Sisu NA-110 tracked vehicle as a replacement for the original fibreglass rear cab
  • To improve the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the cab without  compromising its other practical properties


  • Safety was addressed by ensuring that the rigidity and fixings of the aluminium cab, the seats and the seatbelt fixings, and the cab’s ventilation fulfil the requirements of applicable laws and regulations
  • The off-road capabilities of the tracked vehicle were retained by optimising the weight of the structure
  • 3D-modelling was used to improve functional properties
  • Changes in requirements arising during the project were carried out in a good spirit of co-operation

“The end user was very pleased with the computational analyses carried out. Co-operation was very smooth, and changes that arose during the project were carried out in a good spirit of co-operation.” – Hannu Sarajärvi, Millog.